Well, yeah - I do consider myself a genius - at least some sort of a genius - a combination of the intelligence I acquired in Pres (PRES FOREVER - prayers forever) plus the innate God given talent of 'figuring things out back to working order'.
So herein lies one of the problems - my transmission shifter was stuck in park. No details will be provided as to why it got stuck in park , but needless to say, that situation could be one's worst nightmare. Well as it turns out, (after some internet research - which means exposure to the experience of others) I was quickly able to zero in on the culprit - a stuck, rusted out BTSI actuator (pontiac coil 5176231) aka shifter interlock. After checking out the patent with schematics from the inventor, it appeared that there was no way that the central rod in the device could slide freely and easily to allow movement of the transmission shifter.
Well, after removal, the two obvious options at this point were either to repair or replace the device. Removing wasn't too hard of a challenge, it was located just left of the steering column near the floor just where the transmission cable is attached. The device is actually coupled with the cable via a steering column brace. It is supposed to stay locked in place and prevent inadvertent motion of the cable when the brakes are not depressed. So after removing the 4 steering column brace screws, and disconnecting the power connector, I was able to uncouple the actuator from the transmission cable. It was completely jammed probably from all the rust inside the hard plastic casing. I was able to take the device apart and separate the electromagnet from the rod.
Brake Transmission Shift Interlock (BTSI) Actuator - Pontiac Coil 5176231 |
The plunger in the electromagnet was stuck and the rod in the plastic casing was stuck also despite repeat trials of WD40 and a file.
Solution - replacement.
So next stop - on to a junk yard - repeat the same steps in another LeSabre. As you can see below, the rod slides in and out unlike my old rusted out BTSI. (BTW, this was a steal for $6.)
Stay tuned for another exciting adventure in the world of an ingenius genius doing what others get paid to do - for a hobby?